New Year New You!
You can’t outrun the wrong diet! Well maybe when you were younger you could! However that all changes as we age. If we continue to eat the kind of food and amounts that we did when younger our bodies start to show it. Are you finding that you are gaining weight and still exercising? Have you extended your workout yet you’re still gaining weight? Are you at the point where you feel you should just accept it as part of getting older or do you want to do something about it?
If you have decided to do something about it realize this. You can lose weight on any diet. Truth be told and you know that it’s true. We’ve all probably done it at some point in our lives. So what happened? Why couldn’t you maintain what you got to? It’s not really your fault. The fact is in most programs the weight loss usually involves muscle loss more than fat loss thus slowing your metabolism. The result is often quick weight loss followed by swift and significant weight gain. So what type of program would be the most beneficial to you?
A program that is about nourishing the body, as opposed to caloric restriction. Caloric restriction is how most diets work which is why we fail to keep the weight off. We need to fuel our bodies to maintain the energy needed for us to lead a healthy life. You don’t want to be counting calories. You don’t want a one-size-fits-all program that stops people from eating the foods they love. Instead you want to focus on how to become healthier and create a new life.
A program that emphasizes a low-glycemic approach to eating. Finding new favorite foods, and helping keep blood sugar levels where they need to be to become a fat-burning machine. When blood sugar is high it’s nearly impossible for the body to burn fat: a low-glycemic diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, beans, lean proteins, dairy and healthy fats helps maintain normal blood sugar levels, leading not only to fast and consistent weight loss, but increased energy, decreased cravings, and improved mood. It’s about eating right, not eating less.
A program that you follow in order to retrain your minds and bodies to think healthier, so you can live healthier. After all that should be your main focus. You want to be healthier and weight management is key to living the quality of life we desire. Like any discipline you want to learn, you want a program that offers experienced coaching on the idea of a personal trainer to keep you focused on track with what you are striving to excel in. You can buy a book on a discipline; however you don’t really learn it unless you work with a trainer or instructor who knows how to get to where you want.
It is sustainable. So it’s not just a slimmed down you, but a healthier you. With time and dedication (like any discipline) your lifestyle and eating habits become second nature. That is a big must when choosing a program. Is it realistic, healthy, and sustainable?