Breathing 101

Breathing 101

Breathing 101

One of the things I help coach my clients in is proper breathing. The proper way of breathing is diaphragmatic, which is quite different than the shallow breathing we learn. Yes I said learn. Watch an infant breath and you will see the proper way of breathing. They breathe naturally and fully their bellies rising and falling. When inhaling the diaphragm pushes down and the lower stomach expands outward. When exhaling the diaphragm pushes upward to force the air out of the lungs and the belly moves in.

As a new karate student I would be winded and sucking for air, unlike the senior students. They said I needed to learn how to breathe and should start taking meditation classes with the Master. He taught me to focus on breathing deep in my Hara, using my diaphragm and with daily practice I learned to breathe this way. I remember one day I was sparring and I realized I had no trouble with breathing and I wasn’t putting my focus into it, It had become natural.

Besides allowing you to breathe while doing your routine it is also great when being challenged. For example, when you get to that steep hill when biking and put your focus on breathing correctly and just let your body do what it is trained to do. This is also a useful tool when preparing to compete or anytime you need to clear your head and get the job done not just as an athlete, but also as a person dealing with challenges in your life.