I Can’t Believe it’s……..BUTTER???

Have you been eating a lot of carbs for stick-of-butter-salted-600x400fuel?  That’s what we were told to do. Pasta before a marathon or other endurance activities. I know that’s what I used to do. Well there have been some interesting studies and articles out there that are saying hold back on the carbs and bring on some fat.

“Much of what we were told about fat over the decades is a fully saturated MYTH!” That’s according to Dr. Deedra Mason. “A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, says that cutting out on carbs, not fat, can lead to more weight loss. Taking in to consideration how numerous studies also support the benefits of fat, including naturally saturated fat for heart health and you have a double Whammy on the fight against obesity!”
In the November issue of Men’s Journal there is an article Less Carbs, More Fat. It also talks about studies that suggest that the old rules about diets and how we should eat are wrong. A diet that reduces carbohydrates in favor of fat, including the saturated fat in meat and butter, improves nearly every health measurement, from reducing our waistlines to keeping our arteries clear, more than the low-fat diets that have been recommended for generations.

TLS the program I use for myself and coach aging athletes on emphasizes a low-glycemic diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, beans, lean proteins, dairy, and healthy fats.

So what should you do?

Cut the carbs! That doesn’t mean completely. However it would be good to learn about complex (you want a lot) carbs vs simple (cut back on)carbs.

For instance I used to eat a lot of pasta for the carbs and would compliment it with veggies and protein.  Now I eat a lot of veggies and protein and compliment it with a bit of pasta.

You can read about it in more detail in the November 2014 Issue of Men’s Journal.

Dr Deedra Mason, ND. Dir. of Clinical Ed. & Research – Learn about Dr Mason at: http://www.nutrametrix.org/faculty-speakers/